Done with the external examination. Thanks to Allah, I went it smoothly even though my heart beating like racing a thousand mile. But whatever it is, I enjoyed every moment interacting with these extraordinary people. Question asked by Prof. Dr Ali Rajiun catches my thought. Why do ruminants need cellulase enzyme produced by bacteria during rumen fermentation to volatile fatty acid? why do human and other animals lack of these enzyme?
What are volatile fatty acid?
The three major VFA absorbed from the rumen have somewhat distinctive metabolic fates
- Acetic acid is utilized minimally in the liver, and is oxidized throughout most of the body to generate ATP. Another important use of acetate is as the major source of acetyl CoA for synthesis of lipids.
- Proprionic acid is almost completely removed from portal blood by the liver. Within the liver, proprionate serves as a major substrate for gluconeogenesis, which is absolutely critical to the ruminant because almost no glucose reaches the small intestine for absorption.
- Butyric acid, most of which comes out of the rumen as the ketone beta-hydroxybutyric acid, is oxidized in many tissues for energy production.
**Glucose cannot be a source of energy in ruminant due to inability of small intestine to absorb glucose to the liver!!
Why it is important to have bacterial enzyme for cellulase ----> VFA?
Gulliver-like ciliated protozoon in the midst of thousands of bacteria (the small specks)
"VFA is types of ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID which cannot be synthesized by the ruminant to digest the cellulose from the plant material and needs to be break down by using special enzyme (cellulase) which can only be obtained by certain types of bacteria" -Prof Ali Rajiun
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