This is the the most common viral diseases that usually affect poultry and need veterinarian attention since it some may also affect human being. Below are the main symptoms that indicate the bird's sickness.
1) Newcastle Disease
- High mortality
- Haemoharrgic necrotic lesion in the submucosa of the proventriculus to the gizzard
- Neural lesion- Torticollis
- Drop in eggs production and increase the number of soft shelled and imperfect eggs
2) Avian Adenoviral Infection
Cause egg drop production (EDS 1976)
3) Marek's disease
- Paralysis of legs and wings (enlargement of sciatic nerves)
- Tumors in ovary
4) Infectious Bronchitis
- Respiratory symptom and high mortality
Embryos affected with IB
- Loss eggs production
5) Infectious laryngotrancheitis
- Respiratory depress
- Gasping with head extended and beak open
- Inflammatory exudates and blood in trachea
- Loss eggs production
6) Fowl pox
- Lesion on head and appendages
7) Avian encephalomyelitis
- Ataxia of leg muscle
- Tremor of head and neck
- Loss egg production
8) Gumboro disease (infectious bursal disease)
- Drowsy, no appetite
- Lesion found in thymus and bursa of fibricus
bursa of fibricus is shrinking prior to these virus
- Immunosuppressive
9) Reovirus infections
- Tenosynovitis
- Malabsorption syndrome (MAS)
10) Avian lympoid leukosis
- Tumors in different organ
11) Chicken anaemia virus
- Retardation of growth and size
12) Avian influenza
- gross lesions may vary, congestion and haemorrhages found in internal organs
- presence of edema or haemorrhagic in internal organs
13) Duck Hepatitis
- Lesions found in liver, fatty degeneration, yellowish and with small or bigger haemorrhages
- Convulsions followed quick death
14) Duck Plague
- Vascular damage
- tissue haemorrhages
- digestive mucosal eruptions
- lesions of lymphoid organs as degenerative changes in parenchymatous organs can occur
15) Inclusion body syndrome/hydropericardium
- Mottled liver
- Pin point necrotic (spotty liver)
- Pale bone marrow
Source: FFM Farms Sua Betong